
Coffee - thats my theory

Hubs has been on the road a lot recently so I have been making my trek to LA (pronounced "la", in my own personal language) fitness all alone...insert sad face and big sigh here. Even though I have been going on my own I've been proud of myself for not slacking. I have been running farther, not so much faster but farther and not really complaining too too much - at least for me, thats the standard right?
Well hubs was back in town and we went to work out on Saturday. Turns out I was having an off day, even more off than my usually off-ness, and just down right quit running a mile before planned - I just could not go any more. Breathing? Not so much. Lead legs? absolutely. So when I quit something and feel like I got beat by the always athletic hubs my natural reaction is to be upset, ok fine angry, I was angry.
So he quits with me and we decide to do an arms workout as well. I have partially accomplished the p90x workouts enough to know the arms video by heart. During my arms workout I get a cramp in my left hamstring, shoot fire did that hurt! My angry instantly turns to being pissed off and what do you know cramp in the right hamstring! Now I am pissed off and basically paralyzed. I told always athletic hubs that I was basically paralyzed and he didn't believe me and the he laughed - other athletic hubs out there take it from me, that. is. a. bad. move. So I am even more pissed but I need his athletic knowledge to make me feel better so I gave him the angry eyes, he got the picture and told me to walk it out. We went to get some water and then jumped back into the arms workout that I suffered through.
So now bringing it back to the title. I have a theory on why my body revolted: Hubs made me go get coffee before we worked out. And by "made" I mean "suggested" and I complied, but made is my choice of word so there you have it - he made me. Then yesterday at dinner with the athletic friends who also run hubs trys to tell me that Lance Armstrong drinks coffee before bike rides on Saturdays...Wow, thats a great comparison - Me and Lance, we probably have a lot in common including our physical makeup and overall in shape-ness.
Coffee is the culprit and I swear to never give in to the hubs saturday morning coffee coercion before a workout again.


Kim said...

I love that we are the "athletic" friends! keep up the good running, I feel like I run better when my hubs isn't around as well. The athletic comparison gets me down.

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