

Days off are amazing, glorious really. I would take more of them if I wasn't committed to working out 5 days a week and paying a dollar for every day I miss. The fine folks at Firehouse are competitive that way. I currently owe $5.


He Wins

We have been running at LA fitness because it's too cold (at least for me) once the sun goes down. I love going with hubs, although he is far superior runner at least we stay side by side. Now, many times I forget that I love running next to him because the facts of his superiority are staring me in the face - well at least I look at them all the time.
Hubs - 7.5+
Me - 5.5 tops
Hubs - 1.5 miles to My 1
Calories burned:
Don't even get me started


The Right Stuff

Once I got my head on straight and realized exactly what I was getting myself into I added stipulations to this running thing....gear. I like gear; new, comfortable, cool yet understated gear. "I am gonna need a few things" probably wasn't a surprising statement for hubs to hear. Not that I need it, or that it's necessary, but I am about 87% more likely to start and stay committed to something if I am pumped to use new stuff (thats a scientific fact of course). First things first, new shoes. Now, I really did need new shoes, the guy at Lukes Locker let me know that my shoes were antiques so I upgraded my Brookes.
But I didn't stop there:
  • Nike running tights (calf length) - black
  • Nike long sleeve dry fit shirt - black
  • Brooks warm running pullover - black
  • Nike Sport band watch (my favorite purchase) - black and white
  • Skinny headbands to hold back my baby hairs - black
Yup, it's all black. It's also all important, how do I know that? Hubs comment on my gear "You look legit". Obviously, looking legit is as close to a legitimate runner as I will ever come.


I Must Be Crazy

I don't run. I would not at all call myself a runner or any sort of athlete for that matter. I work out when I want to be in better shape but never because I think it is going to be fun. I am inconsistent, there have been times I consistently worked out but those periods lasted no longer than 90 days (I didn't finish my P90X - sorry Tony).
Over the Holidays I was at Barnes and Noble with hubs (who happens to be a consistent athlete who choses to work out for fun) and he was reading a Runners World magazine while I was reading Eating Animals (he reads about working out while I read about mass consumption - we were made for each other) and hubs came across a "challenge". Said challenge - "Run every distance on every terrain in a year" - or "hell on earth". My natural reaction was to balk, and then I caved (another trait I seem to have at times) and agreed that it would be fun for Mat and I to do this together. I was obviously not myself at the moment but I think it's too late - I am committed.
You should also know that I like to make fun of myself and others, a trait that seems to be stronger when I am frustrated, angry, losing a real or made-up-in-my-head competition or just failing in general - my assumption is that I will be experiencing all of these emotions/situations in the coming weeks and months. Knowing my tendency to run my mouth is going to escalate I choose to let any and all participate in my ramblings.
So I am an inconsistent non-athlete who committed to running no fewer than 6 races this year. It's going to be a long road, it's all up hill from here, I'm in for the long haul, insert your choice of running/distance cliche here. I may die but that would be better than quitting.